Source code for qpimage.core

import pathlib

import h5py
import nrefocus
import numpy as np
from skimage.restoration import unwrap_phase

from . import holo
from .image_data import Amplitude, Phase, write_image_dataset
from .meta import MetaDict, META_KEYS
from ._version import version as __version__

#: valid combinations for keyword argument `which_data`
VALID_INPUT_DATA = ["field",
                    ("phase", "amplitude"),
                    ("phase", "intensity"),

[docs]class QPImage(object): # required to create in-memory hdf5 files with unique fd _instances = 0 def __init__(self, data=None, bg_data=None, which_data="phase", meta_data={}, holo_kw={}, h5file=None, h5mode="a", h5dtype="float32", ): """Quantitative phase image manipulation This class implements various tasks for quantitative phase imaging, including phase unwrapping, background correction, numerical focusing, and data export. Parameters ---------- data: 2d ndarray (float or complex) or list The experimental data (see `which_data`) bg_data: 2d ndarray (float or complex), list, or `None` The background data (must be same type as `data`) which_data: str String or comma-separated list of strings indicating the order and type of input data. Valid values are "hologram", "field", "phase", "phase,amplitude", or "phase,intensity", where the latter two require an indexable object with the phase data as first element. meta_data: dict Meta data associated with the input data. see :class:`qpimage.meta.META_KEYS` holo_kw: dict Special keyword arguments for phase retrieval from hologram data (`which_data="hologram"`). See :func:`qpimage.holo.get_field` for valid keyword arguments. .. versionadded:: 0.1.6 h5file: str, pathlib.Path, h5py.Group, h5py.File, or None A path to an hdf5 data file where all data is cached. If set to `None` (default), all data will be handled in memory using the "core" driver of the :mod:`h5py`'s :class:`h5py:File` class. If the file does not exist, it is created. If the file already exists, it is opened with the file mode defined by `hdf5_mode`. If this is an instance of h5py.Group or h5py.File, then this will be used to internally store all data. h5mode: str Valid file modes are (only applies if `h5file` is a path) - "r": Readonly, file must exist - "r+": Read/write, file must exist - "w": Create file, truncate if exists - "w-" or "x": Create file, fail if exists - "a": Read/write if exists, create otherwise (default) h5dtype: str The datatype in which to store the image data. The default is "float32" which is sufficient for 2D image analysis and consumes only half the disk space of the numpy default "float64". Notes ----- QPImage is slicable; the following returns a new QPImage with the same meta data, but with all background corrections merged into the raw data: .. code-block:: python qpi = QPImage(data=...) qpi_scliced = qpi[10:20, 40:30] """ if (data is not None and not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, list, tuple))): msg = "`data` must be numpy.ndarray!" if isinstance(data, (str, pathlib.Path)): msg += " Did you mean `h5file={}`?".format(data) raise ValueError(msg) if isinstance(h5file, h5py.Group): self.h5 = h5file self._do_h5_cleanup = False else: if h5file is None: h5kwargs = {"name": "qpimage{}.h5".format(QPImage._instances), "driver": "core", "backing_store": False, "mode": "a"} else: h5kwargs = {"name": h5file, "mode": h5mode} self.h5 = h5py.File(**h5kwargs) self._do_h5_cleanup = True QPImage._instances += 1 # set holo data self.holo_kw = holo_kw # set meta data meta = MetaDict(meta_data) for key in meta: self.h5.attrs[key] = meta[key] if "qpimage version" not in self.h5.attrs: self.h5.attrs["qpimage version"] = __version__ # set data for group in ["amplitude", "phase"]: if group not in self.h5: self.h5.create_group(group) self._amp = Amplitude(self.h5["amplitude"], h5dtype=h5dtype) self._pha = Phase(self.h5["phase"], h5dtype=h5dtype) if data is not None: # compute phase and amplitude from input data amp, pha = self._get_amp_pha(data=data, which_data=which_data) self._amp["raw"] = amp self._pha["raw"] = pha # set background data self.set_bg_data(bg_data=bg_data, which_data=which_data) self.h5dtype = h5dtype def __enter__(self): return self def __eq__(self, other): if (isinstance(other, QPImage) and self.shape == other.shape and np.allclose(self.amp, other.amp) and np.allclose(self.pha, other.pha) and self.meta == other.meta): return True else: return False def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self._do_h5_cleanup: self.h5.flush() self.h5.close() def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.h5.attrs def __getitem__(self, given): """Slice QPImage `pha` and `amp` and return a new QPImage The QPImage returned by this method is background- corrected, i.e. it is not possible to reproduce the background correction of the original QPImage. """ if isinstance(given, (slice, tuple)): # return new QPImage pha = self.pha.__getitem__(given) amp = self.amp.__getitem__(given) qpi = QPImage(data=(pha, amp), which_data=("phase", "amplitude"), meta_data=self.meta) return qpi elif isinstance(given, str): # return meta data return self.meta[given] else: msg = "Only slicing and meta data keys allowed for `__getitem__`" raise ValueError(msg) def __repr__(self): if "identifier" in self: ident = " '{}'".format(self["identifier"]) else: ident = "" rep = "QPImage{}, {x}x{y}px".format(ident, x=self._amp.raw.shape[0], y=self._amp.raw.shape[1], ) if "wavelength" in self: wl = self["wavelength"] if wl < 2000e-9 and wl > 10e-9: # convenience for light microscopy rep += ", λ={:.1f}nm".format(wl * 1e9) else: rep += ", λ={:.2e}m".format(wl) return rep def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in META_KEYS: raise KeyError("Unknown meta data key: {}".format(key)) else: self.h5.attrs[key] = value @staticmethod def _conv_which_data(which_data): """Convert which data to string or tuple This function improves user convenience, as `which_data` may be of several types (str, ,str with spaces and commas, list, tuple) which is internally handled by this method. """ if isinstance(which_data, str): which_data = which_data.lower().strip() if which_data.count(","): # convert comma string to list which_data = [w.strip() for w in which_data.split(",")] # remove empty strings which_data = [w for w in which_data if w] if len(which_data) == 1: return which_data[0] else: # convert to tuple return tuple(which_data) else: return which_data elif isinstance(which_data, (list, tuple)): which_data = [w.lower().strip() for w in which_data] return tuple(which_data) elif which_data is None: return None else: msg = "unknown type for `which_data`: {}".format(which_data) raise ValueError(msg) def _get_amp_pha(self, data, which_data): """Convert input data to phase and amplitude Parameters ---------- data: 2d ndarray (float or complex) or list The experimental data (see `which_data`) which_data: str String or comma-separated list of strings indicating the order and type of input data. Valid values are "field", "phase", "hologram", "phase,amplitude", or "phase,intensity", where the latter two require an indexable object with the phase data as first element. Returns ------- amp, pha: tuple of (:class:`Amplitdue`, :class:`Phase`) """ which_data = QPImage._conv_which_data(which_data) if which_data not in VALID_INPUT_DATA: msg = "`which_data` must be one of {}!".format(VALID_INPUT_DATA) raise ValueError(msg) if which_data == "field": amp = np.abs(data) pha = np.angle(data) elif which_data == "phase": pha = data amp = np.ones_like(data) elif which_data == ("phase", "amplitude"): amp = data[1] pha = data[0] elif which_data == ("phase", "intensity"): amp = np.sqrt(data[1]) pha = data[0] elif which_data == "hologram": amp, pha = self._get_amp_pha(holo.get_field(data, **self.holo_kw), which_data="field") if amp.size == 0 or pha.size == 0: msg = "`data` with shape {} has zero size!".format(amp.shape) raise ValueError(msg) # phase unwrapping (take into account nans) nanmask = np.isnan(pha) if np.sum(nanmask): # create masked array # skimage.restoration.unwrap_phase cannot handle nan data # (even if masked) pham = pha.copy() pham[nanmask] = 0 pham =, mask=nanmask) pha = unwrap_phase(pham, seed=47) pha[nanmask] = np.nan else: pha = unwrap_phase(pha, seed=47) return amp, pha @property def bg_amp(self): """background amplitude image""" return @property def bg_pha(self): """background phase image""" return @property def amp(self): """background-corrected amplitude image""" return self._amp.image @property def field(self): """background-corrected complex field""" return self.amp * np.exp(1j * self.pha) @property def info(self): """list of tuples with QPImage meta data""" info = [] # meta data meta = self.meta for key in meta: info.append((key, self.meta[key])) # background correction for imdat in [self._amp, self._pha]: info += return info @property def meta(self): """dictionary with imaging meta data""" return MetaDict(self.h5.attrs) @property def pha(self): """background-corrected phase image""" return self._pha.image @property def raw_amp(self): """raw amplitude image""" return self._amp.raw @property def raw_pha(self): """raw phase image""" return self._pha.raw @property def shape(self): """size of image dimensions""" return self._pha.h5["raw"].shape
[docs] def clear_bg(self, which_data=("amplitude", "phase"), keys="fit"): """Clear background correction Parameters ---------- which_data: str or list of str From which type of data to remove the background information. The list contains either "amplitude", "phase", or both. keys: str or list of str Which type of background data to remove. One of: - "fit": the background data computed with :func:`qpimage.QPImage.compute_bg` - "data": the experimentally obtained background image """ which_data = QPImage._conv_which_data(which_data) if isinstance(keys, str): # make sure keys is a list of strings keys = [keys] # Get image data for clearing imdats = [] if "amplitude" in which_data: imdats.append(self._amp) if "phase" in which_data: imdats.append(self._pha) if not imdats: msg = "`which_data` must contain 'phase' or 'amplitude'!" raise ValueError(msg) # Perform clearing of backgrounds for imdat in imdats: for key in keys: imdat.del_bg(key)
[docs] def compute_bg(self, which_data="phase", fit_offset="mean", fit_profile="tilt", border_m=0, border_perc=0, border_px=0, from_binary=None, ret_binary=False): """Compute background correction Parameters ---------- which_data: str or list of str From which type of data to remove the background information. The list contains either "amplitude", "phase", or both. fit_profile: str The type of background profile to fit: - "offset": offset only - "poly2o": 2D 2nd order polynomial with mixed terms - "tilt": 2D linear tilt with offset (default) fit_offset: str The method for computing the profile offset - "fit": offset as fitting parameter - "gauss": center of a gaussian fit - "mean": simple average - "mode": mode (see `qpimage.bg_estimate.mode`) border_m: float Assume that a frame of `border_m` meters around the image is background. The value is converted to pixels and rounded. border_perc: float Assume that a frame of `border_perc` percent around the image is background. The value is converted to pixels and rounded. If the aspect ratio of the image is not one, then the average of the data's shape is used to compute the percentage in pixels. border_px: float Assume that a frame of `border_px` pixels around the image is background. from_binary: boolean np.ndarray or None Use a boolean array to define the background area. The binary image must have the same shape as the input data. `True` elements are used for background estimation. ret_binary: bool Return the binary image used to compute the background. Notes ----- The `border_*` values are translated to pixel values and the largest pixel border is used to generate a binary image for background computation. If any of the `border_*` arguments are non-zero and `from_binary` is given, the intersection of the two is used, i.e. the positions where both, the binary frame and `from_binary`, are `True`. See Also -------- qpimage.bg_estimate.estimate """ which_data = QPImage._conv_which_data(which_data) # check validity if not ("amplitude" in which_data or "phase" in which_data): msg = "`which_data` must contain 'phase' or 'amplitude'!" raise ValueError(msg) # get border in px border_list = [] if border_m: if border_m < 0: raise ValueError("`border_m` must be greater than zero!") border_list.append(border_m / self.meta["pixel size"]) if border_perc: if border_perc < 0 or border_perc > 50: raise ValueError("`border_perc` must be in interval [0, 50]!") size = np.average(self.shape) border_list.append(size * border_perc / 100) if border_px: border_list.append(border_px) # get maximum border size if border_list: border_px = elif from_binary is None: raise ValueError("Neither `from_binary` nor `border_*` given!") elif np.all(from_binary == 0): raise ValueError("`from_binary` must not be all-zero!") # Get affected image data imdat_list = [] if "amplitude" in which_data: imdat_list.append(self._amp) if "phase" in which_data: imdat_list.append(self._pha) # Perform correction for imdat in imdat_list: binary = imdat.estimate_bg(fit_offset=fit_offset, fit_profile=fit_profile, border_px=border_px, from_binary=from_binary, ret_binary=ret_binary) return binary
[docs] def copy(self, h5file=None): """Create a copy of the current instance This is done by recursively copying the underlying hdf5 data. Parameters ---------- h5file: str, h5py.File, h5py.Group, or None see `QPImage.__init__` """ h5 = copyh5(self.h5, h5file) return QPImage(h5file=h5, h5dtype=self.h5dtype)
[docs] def refocus(self, distance, method="helmholtz", h5file=None, h5mode="a"): """Compute a numerically refocused QPImage Parameters ---------- distance: float Focusing distance [m] method: str Refocusing method, one of ["helmholtz","fresnel"] h5file: str, h5py.Group, h5py.File, or None A path to an hdf5 data file where the QPImage is cached. If set to `None` (default), all data will be handled in memory using the "core" driver of the :mod:`h5py`'s :class:`h5py:File` class. If the file does not exist, it is created. If the file already exists, it is opened with the file mode defined by `hdf5_mode`. If this is an instance of h5py.Group or h5py.File, then this will be used to internally store all data. h5mode: str Valid file modes are (only applies if `h5file` is a path) - "r": Readonly, file must exist - "r+": Read/write, file must exist - "w": Create file, truncate if exists - "w-" or "x": Create file, fail if exists - "a": Read/write if exists, create otherwise (default) Returns ------- qpi: qpimage.QPImage Refocused phase and amplitude data See Also -------- :mod:`nrefocus`: library used for numerical focusing """ field2 = nrefocus.refocus(field=self.field, d=distance/self["pixel size"], nm=self["medium index"], res=self["wavelength"]/self["pixel size"], method=method ) if "identifier" in self: ident = self["identifier"] else: ident = "" meta_data = self.meta meta_data["identifier"] = "{}@{}{:.5e}m".format(ident, method[0], distance) qpi2 = QPImage(data=field2, which_data="field", meta_data=meta_data, h5file=h5file, h5mode=h5mode) return qpi2
[docs] def set_bg_data(self, bg_data, which_data=None): """Set background amplitude and phase data Parameters ---------- bg_data: 2d ndarray (float or complex), list, QPImage, or `None` The background data (must be same type as `data`). If set to `None`, the background data is reset. which_data: str String or comma-separated list of strings indicating the order and type of input data. Valid values are "field", "phase", "phase,amplitude", or "phase,intensity", where the latter two require an indexable object for `bg_data` with the phase data as first element. """ if isinstance(bg_data, QPImage): if which_data is not None: msg = "`which_data` must not be set if `bg_data` is QPImage!" raise ValueError(msg) pha, amp = bg_data.pha, bg_data.amp elif bg_data is None: # Reset phase and amplitude amp, pha = None, None else: # Compute phase and amplitude from data and which_data amp, pha = self._get_amp_pha(bg_data, which_data) # Set background data self._amp.set_bg(amp, key="data") self._pha.set_bg(pha, key="data")
[docs]def copyh5(inh5, outh5): """Recursively copy all hdf5 data from one group to another Parameters ---------- inh5: str, h5py.File, or h5py.Group The input hdf5 data. This can be either a file name or an hdf5 object. outh5: str, h5py.File, h5py.Group, or None The output hdf5 data. This can be either a file name or an hdf5 object. If set to `None`, a new hdf5 object is created in memory. Notes ----- All data in outh5 are overridden by the inh5 data. """ if not isinstance(inh5, h5py.Group): inh5 = h5py.File(inh5, mode="r") if outh5 is None: # create file in memory h5kwargs = {"name": "qpimage{}.h5".format(QPImage._instances), "driver": "core", "backing_store": False, "mode": "a"} outh5 = h5py.File(**h5kwargs) return_h5obj = True QPImage._instances += 1 elif not isinstance(outh5, h5py.Group): # create new file outh5 = h5py.File(outh5, mode="w") return_h5obj = False else: return_h5obj = True # begin iteration for key in inh5: if key in outh5: del outh5[key] if isinstance(inh5[key], h5py.Group): outh5.create_group(key) copyh5(inh5[key], outh5[key]) else: dset = write_image_dataset(group=outh5, key=key, data=inh5[key].value, h5dtype=inh5[key].dtype) dset.attrs.update(inh5[key].attrs) outh5.attrs.update(inh5.attrs) if return_h5obj: # in-memory or previously created instance of h5py.File return outh5 else: # properly close the file and return its name fn = outh5.filename outh5.flush() outh5.close() return fn