Source code for qpimage.holo

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

[docs]def find_sideband(ft_data, which=+1, copy=True): """Find the side band position of a hologram The hologram is Fourier-transformed and the side band is determined by finding the maximum amplitude in Fourier space. Parameters ---------- ft_data: 2d ndarray Fourier transform of the hologram image which: +1 or -1 which sideband to search for: - +1: upper half - -1: lower half copy: bool copy `ft_data` before modification Returns ------- fsx, fsy : tuple of floats coordinates of the side band in Fourier space frequencies """ if copy: ft_data = ft_data.copy() if which not in [+1, -1]: raise ValueError("`which` must be +1 or -1!") ox, oy = ft_data.shape cx = ox // 2 cy = oy // 2 minlo = max(int(np.ceil(ox / 42)), 5) if which == +1: # remove lower part ft_data[cx - minlo:] = 0 else: ft_data[:cx + minlo] = 0 # remove values around axes ft_data[cx - 3:cx + 3, :] = 0 ft_data[:, cy - 3:cy + 3] = 0 # find maximum am = np.argmax(np.abs(ft_data)) iy = am % oy ix = int((am - iy) / oy) fx = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(ft_data.shape[0]))[ix] fy = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(ft_data.shape[1]))[iy]
return (fx, fy)
[docs]def fourier2dpad(data, zero_pad=True): """Compute the 2D Fourier transform with zero padding Parameters ---------- data: 2d fload ndarray real-valued image data zero_pad: bool perform zero-padding to next order of 2 """ if zero_pad: # zero padding size is next order of 2 (N, M) = data.shape order =, 2**np.ceil(np.log(2 * max(N, M)) / np.log(2)))) # this is faster than np.pad datapad = np.zeros((order, order), dtype=float) datapad[:data.shape[0], :data.shape[1]] = data else: datapad = data # Fourier transform fft = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(datapad))
return fft
[docs]def get_field(hologram, sideband=+1, filter_name="disk", filter_size=1 / 3, subtract_mean=True, zero_pad=True, copy=True): """Compute the complex field from a hologram using Fourier analysis Parameters ---------- hologram: real-valued 2d ndarray hologram data sideband: +1, -1, or tuple of (float, float) specifies the location of the sideband: - +1: sideband in the upper half in Fourier space, exact location is found automatically - -1: sideband in the lower half in Fourier space, exact location is found automatically - (float, float): sideband coordinates in frequencies in interval [1/"axes size", .5] filter_name: str specifies the filter to use, one of - "disk": binary disk with radius `filter_size` - "smooth disk": disk with radius `filter_size` convolved with a radial gaussian (`sigma=filter_size/5`) - "gauss": radial gaussian (`sigma=0.6*filter_size`) - "square": binary square with side length `filter_size` - "smooth square": square with side length `filter_size` convolved with square gaussian (`sigma=filter_size/5`) - "tukey": a square tukey window of width `2*filter_size` and `alpha=0.1` filter_size: float Size of the filter in Fourier space in fractions of the distance between central band and sideband. See `filter_shape` for interpretation of `filter_size`. subtract_mean: bool If True, remove the mean of the hologram before performing the Fourier transform. This setting is recommended as it can reduce artifacts from frequencies around the central band. zero_pad: bool Perform zero-padding before applying the FFT. Setting `zero_pad` to `False` increases speed but might introduce image distortions such as tilts in the phase and amplitude data or dark borders in the amplitude data. copy: bool If set to True, input `data` is not edited. x0 and y0 are center of the filter R is factor for "radius" of filter (sqrt(x0² + y0²)/np.pi) filter_type can be "disk" or "gauss" Notes ----- Even though the size of the "gauss" filter approximately matches the frequencies of the "disk" filter, it takes into account higher frequencies as well and thus suppresses ringing artifacts for data that contain jumps in the phase image. """ if copy: hologram = hologram.astype(dtype=np.float, copy=True) if subtract_mean: # remove contributions of the central band # (this affects more than one pixel in the FFT # because of zero-padding) if issubclass(hologram.dtype.type, np.integer): hologram = hologram.astype(np.float) hologram -= hologram.mean() # Fourier transform fft = fourier2dpad(hologram, zero_pad=zero_pad) if sideband in [+1, -1]: fsx, fsy = find_sideband(fft, which=sideband) else: fsx, fsy = sideband # shift fft to sideband location shifted = np.roll(np.roll(fft, -int(fsx * fft.shape[0]), axis=0), -int(fsy * fft.shape[1]), axis=1) # coordinates in Fourier space fx = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(fft.shape[0])).reshape(-1, 1) fy = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(fft.shape[1])).reshape(1, -1) # filter size based on central band - sideband - distance if filter_size >= 1: raise ValueError("`filter_size` must be < 1!") fsize = np.sqrt(fsx**2 + fsy**2) * filter_size if filter_name == "disk": afilter = (fx**2 + fy**2) < fsize**2 elif filter_name == "smooth disk": sigma = fsize / 5 tau = 2 * sigma**2 radsq = fx**2 + fy**2 disk = radsq < fsize**2 gauss = np.exp(-radsq / tau) afilter = signal.convolve(gauss, disk, mode="same") afilter /= afilter.max() elif filter_name == "gauss": sigma = fsize * .6 tau = 2 * sigma**2 afilter = np.exp(-(fx**2 + fy**2) / tau) afilter /= afilter.max() elif filter_name == "square": afilter = (np.abs(fx) < fsize) * (np.abs(fy) < fsize) elif filter_name == "smooth square": blur = fsize / 5 tau = 2 * blur**2 square = (np.abs(fx) < fsize) * (np.abs(fy) < fsize) gauss = np.exp(-(fy**2) / tau) * np.exp(-(fy**2) / tau) afilter = signal.convolve(square, gauss, mode="same") afilter /= afilter.max() elif filter_name == "tukey": alpha = 0.1 rsize =, fy.size)*fsize) * 2 tukey_window_x = signal.tukey(rsize, alpha=alpha).reshape(-1, 1) tukey_window_y = signal.tukey(rsize, alpha=alpha).reshape(1, -1) tukey = tukey_window_x * tukey_window_y afilter = np.zeros(shifted.shape) s1 = (np.array(shifted.shape) - rsize)//2 s2 = (np.array(shifted.shape) + rsize)//2 afilter[s1[0]:s2[0], s1[1]:s2[1]] = tukey else: raise ValueError("Unknown filter: {}".format(filter_name)) # apply filter fft_filt = afilter * shifted # inverse Fourier transform field = np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(fft_filt))
return field[:hologram.shape[0], :hologram.shape[1]]