Source code for qpimage.holo

import numpy as np

[docs]def find_sideband(data): """Find the side band position of a hologram The hologram is Fourier-transformed and the side band is determined by finding the maximum amplitude in Fourier space. Parameters ---------- data : 2d ndarray hologram image Returns ------- sb_loc : tuple of floats (x,y) coordinates of the side band in Fourier space measured from the center in the shifted Fourier transform. """ # fourier transform fft = fourier2dpad(data) # Zero padded (larger) order = len(fft) # remove lower part minlo = max(int(np.ceil(order / 42)), 5) fft[order // 2 - minlo:] = 0 # remove axis part center = int(order / 2) fft[center - 3:center + 3, :] = 0 fft[:, center - 3:center + 3] = 0 am = np.argmax(np.abs(fft)) y = am % order x = (am - y) / order diskrad = int(order / 23) xv = np.arange(order).reshape(-1, 1) yv = xv.reshape(1, -1) fft[np.where((xv - x)**2 + (yv - y)**2 > diskrad**2)] = 0
return (int(x - order / 2), int(y - order / 2))
[docs]def fourier2dpad(data): """Compute the 2D Fourier transform with zero padding""" # Zero padding to square image (N, M) = data.shape # zero padding order =, 2**np.ceil(np.log(2 * max(N, M)) / np.log(2)))) datapad = np.pad(data, ((0, order - N), (0, order - M)), mode="constant") # fourier transform fft = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(datapad))
return fft
[docs]def get_field(data, sb_loc=None, filt_size=None, filt_type="gauss"): """Computes phase and amplitude from a holographic image Parameters ---------- data : 2d ndarray Hologram data sb_loc : tuple of floats (x0,y0) Coordinates of the side band in Fourier space. filt_size : float Radius of the filter in Fourier space in px. If set to None, the radius will be estimated using `sb_loc`. filt_type : float One of {"disk", "gauss"} x0 and y0 are center of the filter R is factor for "radius" of filter (sqrt(x0² + y0²)/np.pi) filter_type can be "disk" or "gauss" Notes ----- `sb_loc` are in FT of zero-padded image, see :func:`fourier2dpad`. """ if sb_loc is None: sb_loc = find_sideband(data) x0, y0 = sb_loc n, m = data.shape # fourier transform fft = fourier2dpad(data) # Zero padded (larger) order = len(fft) center = order / 2 - .5 x = np.linspace(-center, center, order, endpoint=False) xv = x.reshape(-1, 1) yv = x.reshape(1, -1) if filt_size is None: # Estimate filter size based on the distance to the origin filt_size = int(np.ceil(min(np.abs(sb_loc) / 2))) if filt_type == "gauss": # gaussian filter_type afilter = np.exp(-((xv - x0)**2 + (yv - y0)**2) / (filt_size**2)) afilter /= np.max(afilter) elif filt_type == "disk": # disk fitlering afilter = ((xv - x0)**2 + (yv - y0)**2) < filt_size**2 else: print("Unknown filter: {}".format(filt_type)) # filter here fft_filt = afilter * fft # Shift image to zero shifted = np.roll(np.roll(fft_filt, -x0, axis=0), -y0, axis=1) # inverse fourier transform field = np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(shifted))[:n, :m]
return field